Christar and Prayer
We value prayer. That’s why we at Christar commit to make God central in our lives and ministry through daily corporate prayer, regular team prayer and consistent communication with prayer partners.
Prayer isn't just an abstract idea or something that makes us feel good. It is our connection to the almighty God of the universe. He is our source of life, meaning and purpose.
This is the reason that we set aside time for daily prayer meetings at our U.S. mobilization center, and it’s why we ask each worker to build a group of daily prayer partners if they are seriously considering cross-cultural ministry. And once they reach the field, they become part of Christar teams that set aside at least one day a month to pray together.
In ministry, it can be easy to lose perspective or fall into the trap of thinking we are fairly cognizant and competent in our work. However, there are few greater dangers to a servant of Christ than the limiting belief of self-sufficiency. We are engaged in work that we cannot accomplish in our own strength, so we commit every aspect of our lives and ministries to God in prayer.
Prayer is an expression of the truth that we are completely dependent on God to work in the hearts of people as we endeavor to plant churches among the least-reached. It’s not just that we think prayer is helpful—it is essential to who we are called to be in Christ as His Body (Colossians 3:17).
Dependence on God
The least-reached will not come to faith apart from God’s divine work (John 6:44). Jesus said, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18), and prayer is a central way that we, as the Body of Christ, align ourselves with Him, the head of the Body, in His work.
Not only do we pray individually and together as Christar members, but we depend on your prayers. Christar requires each worker to have 100 people who have committed to pray for them every day. While there is no Scripture that requires this specific number, there is a strong biblical precedent for the necessity of intercession on behalf of those who are serving.
Exodus 17 tells of the children of Israel going to battle with the Amalekites. While Joshua and the army went into the battle in the valley, Moses, Aaron and Hur went up on the hillside. While Moses lifted his hands to God, the people of Israel were winning the battle. But as the day went on and Moses lowered his tired arms, the army of Israel began to lose. Aaron and Hur responded by supporting him on either side, lifting up his hands before God until the enemy was defeated.
What was the key to this victory? Was it the skill of the men who were in the battle? It’s true that the army would not have won if no one had gone out to fight. But they were not the key.
Israel overcame the Amalekites because someone stood before God on behalf of those who were in the valley. This is what we are looking for: men and women who will intercede for the needs of workers serving around the world, holding them up before God, the only One who is sufficient to work in them and through them!
Called to Pray
Every believer has a role in the Great Commission. Perhaps you are called to pray for the least-reached and for those who serve among them. We invite you to join us in prayer! We make current prayer needs known through posts on our website and through our monthly “Call to Prayer” calendar that presents requests and praises from Christar workers serving around the world.
In addition, we invite you to lift up our workers each day of the week. See our weekly prayer guide for a list of requests that can help you pray specifically and meaningfully for a cross-cultural worker’s life and ministry.
Prayers for the Least-reached
At Christar, our desire is that our Savior will be glorified as churches are established among least-reached people groups. This is a God-sized task, and so we invite the Body of Christ to join us in asking Him to equip and enable us to take the message of salvation to people who still don’t have access to this good news. If you are ever unsure of what to pray for, here are specific suggestions, straight from Scripture:
- Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out workers (Matthew 9:38).
- Ask for open doors for the gospel to be presented through people and media (internet, radio, television) (Colossians 4:2-4).
- Pray for translation of Scripture into languages in which it is not yet available (Romans 10:17).
- Ask God to draw those from least-reached communities to Himself (John 6:44; 12:32).
- Ask that members of least-reached communities would seek to know God (Deuteronomy 4:29).
- Pray for God’s mercy to be upon those who hear the good news (Romans 9:15-18).
- Ask the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of workers and those with whom they come in contact (John 16:8-13).
- Intercede for the lost, that they would believe in Christ as Savior (John 5:24) and confess Him as Lord (Romans 10:9-10) when they hear the gospel.
- Ask God to remove the blindness to the truth that some communities have experienced for generations (2 Corinthians 4:4).
- Ask for God’s will to be done among the least-reached as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
- Pray that God will transform painful and harmful beliefs and practices into that which is eternally good (Colossians 1:21-22).
The Lord invites us to participate in His command to make disciples among every tribe, nation and tongue. Prayer is an opportunity to be directly involved with Him in seeing the Great Commission fulfilled. Thank you for partnering with us to pray for Christar workers and those they’re seeking to reach with the good news of Jesus.