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Great Commission Resources

Tools to Help You Participate in God’s Global Purposes
Every believer is called to be part of bringing the gospel to the least-reached. What are your roles in the Great Commission?
The month of Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for followers of Christ to make a difference in the lives of Muslims!
This video course on God's heart for the nations is the first curriculum of its kind, uniquely designed for the Deaf Church.
Workers serving in least-reached communities need other believers to come alongside them in prayer each day!
Staying in touch is one the most meaningful things we can do to support cross-cultural workers. Try these practical tips for connecting.
Ring in the new year with a resolution that can make an eternal difference in the lives of people who’ve never heard the gospel.
In this season of joyful expectation, we invite you to join us in focused prayer for those who haven’t yet heard the good news of Christ.
God can use the spiritual focus of the Hajj to give Muslims a hunger for the gospel! Here’s how you can pray.
A marketplace professional serving in the CMCUS challenges each of us to ask God for His help in growing in five key qualities.
In this booklet, learn what God's Word says about refugees and be equipped to share the hope of Christ.