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The Christar Mobilization Center U.S.

The Christar Mobilization Center U.S. (CMCUS) helps members of the Body of Christ invest their gifts, skills, vocations, time and resources to mobilize the gospel to communities where it isn’t yet known. We provide guidance, resources and connection for those who partner, go, send and give. This involves providing a wide range of services to both cross-cultural workers and those who partner with them to establish the Church among the least-reached.

  • Our Mobilization team and pre-field coaches recruit, equip and mentor new workers to serve in least-reached communities.
  • Our Personnel Division offers strategic training for workers and connects them to continuing learning opportunities and resources.
  • Our Finance department processes donations, ensuring that workers have the funds they need for ministry, as well as oversees insurance and tax reporting.
  • Our Member Care team provides support for workers’ emotional and spiritual needs and provides debriefing opportunities for those on home assignment.
  • Our Strategic Messaging efforts communicate the needs of the least-reached and ways God is working around the world, connecting the Body of Christ to opportunities to be involved and rejoice in what the Lord is doing.
  • Our Partnership Development team helps individuals and churches participate in ministry in least-reached communities through prayer, giving and volunteering.
  • Our Church Partnership Team helps fellowships that send and support Christar workers be involved in bringing the message of Christ to people who have never been introduced to Him.

Learn more and invest in the ministry of the CMCUS.