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Seeking True Refuge

Over 100 million people worldwide has been forcibly displaced.1 Many of these refugees, internally displaced people and asylum-seekers have never heard the gospel. For example, refugees from Iran come from a land where over 99 percent of the population has no access to a church that preaches the gospel in their language and culture.

In the midst of the refugee crisis, God is at work! He’s bringing many displaced people to countries where believers can freely share the gospel with them. This is a historic opportunity to minister to some of the least-reached people on earth.

Christ-Honoring Transformation

Christar is driven by a passion to establish churches among the least-reached: those who do not have access to a church in their own language, culture or in proximity to where they live. We trust the Lord to work through us as we send teams to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in refugee communities throughout the world where He is not yet known or worshiped.

Our Heritage of Ministry Among the Displaced

Our outreach to the displaced reaches back to our roots in the Iran Interior Mission, which began as an orphanage for children who’d arrived in Iran from neighboring countries following World War I. Today, we’re blessed to be used by God to meet the physical needs of refugees, while sharing the hope that’s found only in Him.

Today, our workers use a wide variety of skills and occupations to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in refugee communities, and we rejoice in the spiritual fruit that God has been producing through our efforts. Our prayer is that God would continue to work in the midst of the refugee crisis to bring more people to Himself, and that He would give believers around the world a desire to reach the displaced for Christ.

[1] Figures at a Glance


Read how God is working in Refugee communities.
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Learn more about the Refugee crisis, as well as how to pray for Refugees and share Christ with them.
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Learn more about opportunities to use your gifts and skills in Refugee communities.
Explore Your Options
The Christar Refugee Booklet
- a key resource.