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Christar Mobilization Center U.S.

Serving the Body of Christ to Reach the 40%

More than 40% of the world’s people are cut off from the gospel.

No one organization, project or person can reach all of them. But together, the Church can. Serving believers like you as you participate in the Great Commission strengthens the Church’s ability to take the good news to communities where it isn’t known.

Christar is seeking to raise $983,000 to more effectively serve the Body of Christ as it partners to bring the gospel to the least-reached. Your gift will enable us to:

  • Innovate for Greater Global Collaboration

Partnership throughout the Body of Christ is key to reaching the 40% of the world that is still cut off from the gospel. We are creating connection points that facilitate collaboration among diverse members of the Church and supporting emerging mobilization efforts around the world.

  • Create Digital Tools and Training Resources

To equip all believers to participate in the Great Commission, we are updating our training programs for new cross-cultural workers as well as transforming our existing digital resource library to include video and modular trainings.

  • Implement Infrastructure Upgrades

As we seek to serve the next generation of partners, churches and field workers in taking the gospel to the least-reached, we are upgrading our operations. This includes an overhaul of our website and technical platforms, and updating our HR and accounting software and financial system to ensure we have the staffing and skills to serve our partners well.

The purpose of the Christar Mobilization Center U.S. (CMCUS) is to mobilize the Body of Christ, inviting each member to be involved in bringing the good news of Jesus to the least-reached. We help members of the Body of Christ invest their gifts, skills, vocations, time and resources to mobilize the gospel to communities where it isn’t yet known.

The CMCUS serves Christ’s Body as it participates in the Great Commission, providing guidance, resources and connection for those who partner, go, send and give:

  • We help churches send and care for their own who follow God’s call to serve in least-reached communities.
  • We connect those who want to go with ways to use their unique giftings and skills in least-reached communities.
  • We train and mentor new cross-cultural workers to prepare them for effective ministry.
  • We encourage and support family members who release their loved ones for service among the least-reached.
  • We come alongside cross-cultural workers with care and resources that help them serve well and thrive in difficult places.
  • We equip believers to pray specifically and intentionally for the needs of cross-cultural workers and the least-reached.
  • We partner with God’s people seeking opportunities to invest their many gifts and resources for eternal impact.
  • We resource missions-minded individuals to raise awareness of the least-reached within their spheres of influence.
  • We invite volunteers to use their professional skills remotely to help cross-cultural teams minister more effectively.

Your gift to the CMCUS will enable us to continue connecting people from throughout the Church to be part of what God is doing in least-reached communities and to serve Christ’s Body as it participates in the Great Commission.

Learn more about the ministry of the CMCUS.


Participate by Praying for the Christar Mobilization Center U.S.:

  • Pray for wisdom in effectively inviting all parts of the Body of Christ to participate in what God is doing around the world.
  • Ask God to call many new cross-cultural workers to serve Him among the least-reached.
  • Pray that training programs for new and experienced workers will equip them to minister effectively.
  • Pray for wisdom for CMCUS staff as they serve workers and their support teams.

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