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Great Commission Resources

Tools to Help You Participate in God’s Global Purposes
Every believer is called to be part of bringing the gospel to the least-reached. What are your roles in the Great Commission?
The month of Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for followers of Christ to make a difference in the lives of Muslims!
God uses many forms of education—formal and informal—to equip His people to serve. There’s not one “right” path to follow.
What if you want to serve cross-culturally but your church doesn't share your heart for the nations?
Ring in the new year with a resolution that can make an eternal difference in the lives of people who’ve never heard the gospel.
How could your Christmas celebrations make an eternal impact? Check out these resources to help you Give the Gospel this year and get others involved.
You can only be sent from a body to which you belong. And belonging is central to what it means to be sent to the field by a local church.
Missions isn’t the one-hit wonder of the Old Testament. God’s plan to bring blessing to the nations is THE big idea, from Genesis to Malachi.
The vast majority of the Deaf don’t have access to the gospel. But numerous myths often prevent believers from reaching out to them.
A Christar worker shares five things he wishes more believers understood about the Deaf and reaching them with the gospel.