Christar U.S. Leadership

James Capaldo
After leaving Russia, they continued ministry to Russian-speakers and others in Arctic regions, serving from Alaska. Jim served as a field director for two organizations, outreach director for Alaska’s largest church and for another church in South Dakota. For the past decade, he has served as regional president of Converge Heartland, overseeing churches from North Dakota to Oklahoma, revitalizing many and guiding them into more active mobilization and engagement with pioneer missions.
Jim holds graduate diplomas in Russian language and exegetical theology and a master’s degree in health service administration.
Board of Trustees
Dr. Jeff Adams, Chairman
Jeff and his wife, Cheryl, live in Kansas City, Missouri. Jeff did undergraduate work at Wichita State University and Luther Rice Seminary and holds a Master of Sacred Literature and a Ph.D. from Trinity Theological Seminary.
Previously, Jeff was a senior pastor in San Salvador, El Salvador. He saw the fellowship grow from 400 to over 1,200 with related works and ministries reaching another 3,000 weekly during the nation’s civil war. He assisted in establishing the first international Salvadoran sending mission agency in 1983. Jeff also served previously in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
From 1984 to 2017, Jeff was a teaching pastor at Graceway in Kansas City, a multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual, multi-generational fellowship--one of the most diverse in America. Other fellowships have been planted in the Kansas City metropolitan area during his more than 30-year tenure, with a combined attendance of over 6,000 people. During this time over 80 cross-cultural workers have been sent nationally and internationally.
In addition to serving with Graceway and Christar, his main focus today is working with strategic international leaders as a certified Paterson LifePlan Guide, leading them to clarity around their God-given purpose, talents, values and personality, to bring every facet of their lives into harmony with that unique purpose. He is also certified as a Paterson StratOp Guide, working with both enterprises and nonprofits to achieve breakthrough in strategic and operational planning.
Jeff was voted chairman of the U.S. Board at the September 2009 board meeting. He is also on the Christar International Board as well as serving on additional advisory boards, and does consulting work with other agencies.
Mr. Keith Carlson
Keith serves as counsel for Christar, and his been on the Board since 1984. He has extensive experience in international legal work and general corporate law. Keith received his bachelor’s and law degrees from the University of Michigan.
Mr. Chuck Hendricks
Chuck Hendricks is an attorney with a specialization in bankruptcy law. He is consistently recognized among his peers as a leader in this field. Chuck has been described by his references as being a man who is “wired for leadership but mantled in humility.” He has a passion for God, God’s Word and people. Chuck’s heart for the world is evidenced by his persistent interest in and faithful weekly prayer for unreached people groups. The growing Deaf ministry of Christar was born out of the focused prayer group that Chuck is part of. One friend beautifully stated that “Chuck is naturally curious about many topics and people, and he is quick to use that to help put the interests of others above himself.” Chuck has a deep, committed love for his wife and seven children and has faithfully sought out ways to help them grow and develop.
Dr. Scott Horrell
Scott is a professor of theology, world religions and global Christian theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. He served with World Team for almost 20 years in Brazil as a church planter and seminary professor, as well as with other groups like InterVarsity Missions and Children’s Relief International. He brings a strong theological and teaching background to his role, built through training people at DTS as well as his teaching in other cultures. He co-founded and edited a theological journal in Latin America and has written several books. He has taught courses in a number of countries around the world. His passion is helping young people come to a deeper understanding of the global nature of our faith and “the implications of the triune God for all of life.” He brings an understanding of what it means to be a missionary from early seasons of life to his approaching stage of retirement (from DTS). He is eager to bring all this background as well as his gift of discernment to serve on the Board of Christar.
Mrs. Nancy H.
Nancy and her husband lived in a Muslim country and served with Christar for 12 years, loving and sharing the gospel with their neighbors. They then relocated to Dallas. In 2017, Nancy left an 11-year career at an architectural firm. She now serves in children’s ministry at her church and sings in the choir. She and her husband come alongside new believers in their church to help them dig into the Word.
Nancy participated on the Christar Women’s Advisory Council for six years and then began serving on Christar’s Board of Trustees in 2018. From 2019 to 2023, she also served Christar in the part-time role of Donor Engagement Coordinator. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in biology from Cornell University and a Certificate of Graduate Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Mr. Eric M’Barine
Born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, Eric is a radio frequency engineer by profession, with a career spanning 20 years in the telecommunication industry. He has also served on the board of charitable organizations in the U.S. as well as of telecommunications and energy startups in sub-Saharan Africa. Eric graduated from the University of North Texas in 1997 and received a Master of Science in Information Technology from the same school in 2001.
Dr. Marvin Newell
Marvin is Ambassador at Large for Missio Nexus, a network of evangelical mission agencies, churches and training centers in North America with which Christar is affiliated. Previously he served as a missionary for 15 years in Indonesia, a mission administrator, a professor of missions at Moody Theological Seminary and a director of a missions association.
Marv is the author of several missions-related books, including the newest: A Third of Us: What It Takes to Reach the Unreached. He also serves on the Christar International Board.
Mrs. Ruth Nystrom
Ruth is part owner and office manager for Nystrom Business Sales. She holds a diploma in music composition from Moody Bible Institute. Ruth has been active in missions through the years by housing missionaries on furlough, providing respite for missionaries in need of restoration and rest and being involved with young women in a discipleship capacity.
Dr. Greg Parsons
Greg is the director of global connections for Frontier Ventures (formerly the U.S. Center for World Mission) in Pasadena, California, where he has served since 1982. Greg is Ralph D. Winter associate professor of intercultural studies at William Carey International University. He also teaches in the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course and serves on the board of Missio Nexus.
Greg graduated from San Jose State University in 1978 and from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1982, earning a Master of Theology in Christian education. He earned a Ph.D. from the University of Wales on the life and missiology of Ralph D. Winter. In addition to service on the Christar U.S. Board, Greg currently serves as chairman of the Christar International Board.
Mr. Durwood "Woody" Thompson, Jr.
Woody graduated from Texas A&M University. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). As president of Thompson, Derrig & Craig, P.C., he oversees all the audits and reviews done by the firm. He brings a strong background in tax and accounting services. Woody has served as a member of the Professional Ethics Committee of the Texas Society of CPAs and of the Practitioner Liaison Committee for the Austin District of the IRS. Woody was raised in a strong Christian home and professed faith in Christ at age 9, but feels he first understood an individual relationship with Christ while a junior in college. He attends Central Baptist in Bryan/College Station. He has been a deacon there for over 30 years and, with his wife, Melody, taught and served in the college ministry for 30 years. He has served on and chaired the church finance committee many times. He sees his spiritual gifting in the areas of administration and giving and has been involved in missions through supporting a number of organizations and through short-term mission trips. He sees serving on the board as a welcome way to become much more involved. Woody and Melody have two grown daughters, Lorian and Tamara.
Mr. H. Eugene Williams III
Eugene Williams brings over 30 years of leadership, administration and operational experience, both in industry and cross-cultural ministry, to the board of directors. Currently, he is senior director for Accuray, Inc., a global manufacturer of radiation oncology capital equipment. Previously, he ministered internationally in a leadership capacity with Trans World Radio in Latin American and Asia Pacific. He has also lived and worked in industry in Asia and Europe. Eugene holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Moody Bible Institute and a Master of Business Administration.
Trustees Emeritus
Dr. Samuel Barkat
Sam is the Executive Director of the Institute for Collaborative Engagement. In that capacity he works with national and international organizations and institutions. He has served as provost of Nyack College, NY and as vice president and Director of Multi-Ethnic Ministries of InterVarsity.
A native of Sialkot, Pakistan, Sam has taught Urdu in a language school in Pakistan and has trained cross-cultural workers. He is a graduate of Tennessee Temple College and received a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Tennessee. He has been involved in higher education for 35 years including teaching psychology at King’s College. Sam is a licensed psychologist and also serves on the Christar International Board.
Mr. Mike Busch
Upon graduating from Texas A&M University with a degree in accounting, Mike continued his education by earning marks as a CPA and a Certified Financial Planner. Mike is a Principal with CFO4Life, an independent registered investment advisory firm that holds the distinction of being designated “best” in both of D Magazine’s financial categories: Top Wealth Managers and Best Financial Planners. He is past chairman of the Dallas/Fort Worth Financial Planning Association and has also served at the national level as a member of the Financial Planning Association’s Board of Directors.
Mr. Scott Holbrook
Scott is the president/CEO of Avant Ministries. He is also employed as an adjunct professor at a local community college where he has taught for 32 years. He has been chairman of the CrossGlobal Link Business Administration Committee for 21 years, sits on the Board of Missio Nexus and also served as a member of the ECFA Standards Committee for six years. Scott is a Certified Public Accountant, has been a registered stockbroker and was formerly a licensed real estate agent. Scott received a Bachelor of Arts in economics in 1977 and an MBA in 1981 from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He also attended the University of Missouri at Kansas City, where he studied accounting.
Rev. Peter J. Hwang
Born in South Korea, Peter serves as the senior pastor of the First Korean Baptist Church of Philadelphia, which he founded in 1979. He has also served as an officer in various positions, including president, in the Council of Korean Southern Baptist Churches in America, a denomination of over 800 churches. In addition, he is president of the Friendship Council of U.S.A. and has served on the board of numerous organizations. Peter received his Master of Divinity from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.