God Made a Way Through Marketplace Ministry
As university students, Leon and Tiffany sensed God’s call to serve Him across cultures. But they didn’t see Him open doors for them to minister outside of their homeland in the Far East. They pursued becoming “traditional missionaries” and considered serving through a business as mission initiative, but God didn’t make a way for them. But He still had a plan to use them for His glory among the least-reached.
In 2015 Leon and Tiffany learned about the many asylum-seekers fleeing to Germany. Many came from least-reached communities, where few have even heard the gospel. As the couple learned about the needs of refugees, they asked God, “Could we do anything for your kingdom in Germany?”
Unknown to them, God had already begun to prepare Leon and Tiffany to serve Him in Germany. Leon had lived in the country for a year as an exchange student and Tiffany had studied German for several years, giving them a good foundation in the country’s language and culture.
In addition, Leon had earned a degree in computer science and after graduation was hired by an accounting firm in Hong Kong. He’d been working there for over five years when he learned of an opportunity to transfer to an office in Germany—an answer to their prayers! God opened the door wide and worked out all the details necessary for him and Tiffany to relocate to Europe.
Leon and Tiffany have seen numerous benefits to their untraditional path to the field. “Applying for a job seems to be the fastest and easiest way to be on the mission field,” Leon explains. “Having a working contract here actually saved us a lot of time and effort on many things.” It was much easier for him to obtain a work visa than another type of visa, and he could more readily rent an apartment with a working contract. In addition, he and Tiffany are excited by the prospect of needing minimal financial support from churches, freeing those fellowships’ funds to support other workers.
Leon’s job also gives him an identity in the community that’s easily understood and provides him and his family with a logical reason to be living as expats. He and Tiffany are able to build relationships with their neighbors, which, by God’s grace, will lead to opportunities to share the gospel with people who’ve never heard it.
Leon and Tiffany are among a growing number of followers of Christ working through marketplace ministry to bring the good news of Jesus to communities with little or no gospel witness. By serving in professional roles, these workers are able to enter least-reached communities and cultivate Christ-honoring transformation within their neighborhoods and workplaces.
Many of the least-reached don’t have access to the gospel because they live in countries that traditional “missionaries” cannot enter. But the majority can be reached by believers like Leon and Tiffany willing to serve God through marketplace ministry. Will you join us in asking God to call more Christians to serve Him through their professions and use those already serving in marketplace ministry to introduce many to the good news of Jesus?
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for opening doors for professionals to live and work among people with little or no access to the gospel.
- Ask the Lord to call more of His followers to serve Him through their professions in least-reached communities.
- Pray for wisdom and creativity for believers serving in marketplace ministry as they seek to build relationships with least-reached people.
- Ask the Lord to guide these workers as they balance ministry, professional responsibilities and family.