Stepping Forward in His Sufficient Grace
This has been an unbearably hard year for a lot of us, for a number of reasons. As we arrive at the end of what I’ve affectionately dubbed our “stuck series,” I know I still feel a bit wobbly and unsure if I’m ready to move on from this strange season of life.
A few years ago, after I had hip surgery, I was not fully convinced that my doctor knew what he was talking about when he cleared me to walk free from crutches. Even though I had spent months in physical therapy strengthening my body, I wasn’t confident that I could handle it. I did not feel strong enough. Those first steps were terrifying.
Moving forward after months upon months of being held back by circumstances or struggles can undoubtedly be scary. Sometimes we’ve been in a holding pattern for so long that being stuck becomes our comfort zone—we get stuck in being stuck even when the factors that have held us back are falling away or God is blazing a path for us around the obstacles.
Taking a step ahead doesn’t mean denying the struggle. This past year, I’ve wrestled through some relentlessly rough times while marinating in the grief of losing my father. I’m guessing many of you have experienced significant hardship as well and need to keep processing, healing and receiving God’s mercy and compassion.
But, what if He’s also calling you to move forward in faith as you continue to learn from the challenges you’ve faced and the ways you’ve seen His grace in the midst of them?
Take some time today and look back over the past year. What has gone well? What has crashed to the ground? What has God taught you? And, what might He be asking you to do?
Stepping forward might not look like you thought it would a year or two ago—it might mean joining a missions-focused Bible study or serving short term among a least-reached people group in the United States rather than completing an internship in the Middle East. So, ask the Lord what He has for you in the weeks and months to come. My prayer for each of us is that we would see the opportunities that arise with challenges and have the grace to step forward when He calls us to.
You may still be facing giant obstacles that keep you from moving ahead in the way you long to, and God may be asking you to continue to learn and grow in the midst of them. But don’t get so accustomed to being stuck that you miss His call to take the first steps in faith, trusting that that His grace will be sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:19) and that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV).
Laura lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where she freelances in various capacities, leads worship at her church and hangs with her adorably photogenic dog named Kimchi. She’s well acquainted with the chaos of trying to determine what to do in life.
Laura went to Bible college, where she explored cross-cultural ministry through classes, conferences and lots of practical application. After college she went to grad school, taught, went to South Korea for a year, worked for Christar, then spent a good chunk of the last decade working with international students in high school and college in the U.S.
She would love to journey with you as you consider missions—because she’s been there. Because reaching the nations is going to look different than it did in centuries past. And she wants you to be a part of it.