Five Ways to Pray Purposefully About Your Part in the Great Commission
When you begin a journey into uncharted territory, you want to find a guide. As you consider how God is leading you into cross-cultural service, start by asking Him to lead you. God is already at work in places where He isn’t yet worshiped, and He can direct you to where He can use your gifts and skills to play a part in accomplishing His purposes.
Here are five ways to seek God's purpose and guidance as you consider the role He would have you play in the Great Commission.
Ask God to guide you.
Ask God to lead you to where and how He would like you to serve—both in the long term and right where you are. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV)
Lift up the unsaved.
Pray for those you know personally who don’t yet know Jesus, as well as for those living around the world who haven’t heard the gospel. Check out the Pray section of our website for ways to lift up least-reached people, updated daily.
Pray for specific workers and their ministries.
Commit to pray regularly for workers who are seeking to plant churches and cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in places where few people know Him. “Praying Daily for Cross-Cultural Workers” gives ideas for lifting up those serving in least-reach communities for each day of the week.
Pray daily for the least-reached.
Ask God to give least-reached people a hunger for the truth, and to send workers to share the gospel with them. In addition to Christar’s daily prayer calendar, the Joshua Project and Operation World are excellent resources.
Get others involved.
Share your heart for the least-reached! Ask other believers to pray with you for those who haven’t yet heard the gospel, and for those working to plant churches among them.