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10 Ways to Pray for Kids Serving With Their Families Overseas

10 Ways to Pray for Kids Serving With Their Families Overseas

Backpacks are packed. Outfits are laid out. Every pocket folder and No. 2 pencil on the school supply scavenger hunt is accounted for. School starts tomorrow. As the hour draws near, the seconds tick by with swells of excitement and the terror of the unknown for students and parents alike.

These emotions and excitement aren’t unique to families on this side of the world. The start of the school year brings a unique blend of stressful realities for families that serve overseas. Workers’ children are often called TCKs (Third Culture Kids) for a reason. These kids grow up in a culture somewhere between their home or parents’ culture (where their extended family and friends live, and a place they visit from time to time) and their host culture (where they live most of the time, but that doesn’t match the culture of their parents), creating a third hybrid culture all their own. It can leave them feeling isolated or confused. Adding the stress and expectations of school can be intimidating to say the least.

As you pray for your own children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews who are starting the new school year, here are 10 ways that you can also be lifting up our workers and their children as they return to the classroom in cultures and countries that aren’t quite theirs.

  1. Ask God to give wisdom and discretion to each parent as they consider the unique educational challenges facing their children and the limited resources they have on the field.
  2. Pray for teachers with students from other cultures in their classes. Ask God to give them patience, sensitivity and kindness as TCKs navigate the unique challenges they face.
  3. Pray for safety as many TCKs use public transportation to travel to and from school. This can make them vulnerable to bullying and harassment.
  4. Pray that parents will have the patience, endurance and willingness to devote the time and energy needed to help the TCKs who have a learning disorder, especially in areas without help, resources or cultural understanding to support them.
  5. Ask God to give each child the courage and passion to tackle the studies they have each day, even when it includes learning more than one language, or learning in a new language.
  6. Pray that each child will have a deep and godly friendship with at least one other Christian of the same age and birth culture. Ask that they would learn to balance those relationships with learning how to be a good friend with members of their host culture.
  7. Pray that children who attend boarding school will have good relationships with their parents and the freedom to honestly share with them about any difficulties they may be facing while at school.
  8. Pray that parents who are home schooling will find the best programs and resources to fit the needs of their family.
  9. Pray for families to wisely balance work, school and play so that each TCK feels valued, cared for and a sense of belonging and connection in their community.
  10. Ask Jesus to draw the heart of every TCK to Himself. Pray that each child would find their deepest comfort and identity in Him.

Participate by Praying:

  • Use this list to pray for God’s grace, protection and provision for our workers and their children as they tackle the challenges of schooling on the field.
  • Pray daily, not only for TCKs and their families, but also for workers who serve through teaching.

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