Supporting the Spread of the Gospel a Half a World Away
In a community that’s been shaped by Islam for over a millennium, two young men are boldly teaching the Bible. Their students are among the few people who have been exposed to the gospel in a nation where being a Christian often leads to severe persecution.
But in a country where the Church is nearly nonexistent, how do believers like these learn to share the good news?
It started with an unexpected question, posed to followers of Jesus on the other side of the globe.
A Surprising Opportunity
Though Christar workers Ned and Cindy* minister among Muslims in the United States, their hearts also remain burdened for the people of the Islamic nation where they used to serve. So, in April 2021 they began an online outreach that uses written and audio Bible stories recorded in the language of these people.
“We want to help them see who Jesus is,” Ned explains, adding that the use of narratives allows God’s Word to speak for itself among people with no prior knowledge of the Bible. The couple hoped and prayed that the Lord would use their outreach to connect them with people who had never heard His Word.
Then a teacher in his early 20s named Solomon responded to one of Ned and Cindy’s social media ads, asking "What would be an effective way to teach the Word of God to my students?" God was not only enabling them to share Scripture with the least-reached but also positioning them to come alongside some of the few people from among this group who trust in Jesus.
Ned encouraged Solomon to use stories like the ones he and Cindy had developed. And he sought to determine if Solomon had truly believed in Christ.
At first, when Ned asked Solomon, “Who do you think Jesus Christ is?” Solomon replied, “a prophet of God.” But not long after, Solomon pointed to several Scripture passages that demonstrate that Jesus does what only God can do. After that, Ned recalls, “I led him in a sinner's prayer to help him find assurance of a personal relationship with God.”
Though he was still young in his faith, Solomon took Ned’s advice. He began sharing Bible stories in his private school classroom, giving 150 students ages 6-16 the opportunity to hear biblical truth for the first time.
“Solomon has been quite a go-getter,” Ned shares. “Usually people are afraid, but he has no fear.” So far, three students have professed their faith in Christ through his teaching, as have two friends.
But, they’re not the only ones God has reached through this courageous young man. Solomon started telling Bible stories to his family as well. And, just a few months after Solomon responded to the social media ad, he told Ned that several members of his household had believed in Jesus.
Entrusting the Gospel
Solomon's brother Quest, also a teacher at the private school, accepted Christ, and he too shares Scripture in the classroom. Two of Solomon’s sisters have believed as well, and his mother remains open to the good news. His father recently passed away, but Solomon had shared stories with him before his death and hopes to meet him in heaven. He reported to Ned that upon hearing the story of the crucifixion of Christ, both parents wept.
However, Christians like Solomon and Quest have no local source for discipleship and spiritual support. As Ned explains, “They can’t just go anywhere to find believers; they need to reach out online.”
The brothers have turned to Ned for guidance regarding practicing disciplines of faith like prayer, fasting and culturally appropriate worship, as well as on how to be baptized in a community with no baptized believers to perform this rite. Now they hold weekly family worship times and gatherings for the small group of believing students and friends. In addition, Solomon is eager to support Ned and Cindy’s online ministry and has helped to create Scripture-based content to reach others in his homeland.
As Ned wrote in a recent prayer letter, “We are witnessing the fulfillment of 2 Timothy 2:2 as we have entrusted the good news to Solomon and Quest, who are faithful and competent to teach their students—hallelujah! Please join us in praying that He will establish these young believers in their faith and prepare them for the persecution that may lie ahead, and that these students and friends will pass on the stories to their families.”
Participate by Praying
- Praise God for bringing Solomon and Quest to faith in Jesus and for their courage in sharing His Word.
- Ask the Lord to continue to use their witness to draw their students and others to Him.
- Pray that those who trust in Christ will also learn to trust one another as they seek to live as believers in a place where Christians often face severe persecution.
- Pray for wisdom and protection for these believers as they establish culturally relevant forms of worship.