Deaf Initiative Update, Quarter 1 2022 - A Small Part in a Great Task
Christar exists to take the gospel where the gospel isn’t—and that includes reaching the Deaf. Most of Christar’s ministry is focused on bringing the good news to Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim people groups, and within each of these groups are Deaf communities that are cut off from the message of Christ. While no one knows exactly how many Deaf people live among these least-reached religious blocs, estimates are in the tens of millions.
Bringing the good news of Jesus to Deaf living amid least-reached communities is a monumental undertaking. But God is even bigger than this task! We praise Him that we’re just one small organization among the numerous groups He’s using to reach the Deaf. I’d like to introduce a few of them to you.
Converge is a global ministry that seeks to start and strengthen churches worldwide, including among the Deaf. For example, in Haiti as well as in a few countries in Africa and Eastern Europe, global Deaf workers and national Deaf leaders are partnering with other Converge personnel to reach the Deaf with the gospel. I thank God that Converge is sharing the good news among the Deaf and discipling Deaf believers in those areas. Learn more.
The International Mission Board (Southern Baptists) has Deaf partners around the world. Recently, workers in a Southeast Asian city held a Christmas party at a community center for the Deaf. Events like these are fun and build up the Deaf community, as well as open opportunities for gospel conversations. Learn more.
DOOR International is a unique ministry in that their global workers are all Deaf—they believe that the Deaf are best reached by the Deaf. They focus on church planting, sharing the gospel and Bible translation into the sign languages of the people groups among whom they are ministering. Learn more.
Not only is God using global ministries to reach the Deaf, but He is also using local churches in other countries to minister among their Deaf neighbors. In South Asia for example, a church known as IDCF is reaching out to the Deaf community. To date, it has begun over 30 churches of Deaf believers. Learn more.
We rejoice that God has burdened numerous organizations and churches to make Christ known among the least-reached Deaf. But millions of Deaf people around the world are still without a way to know the name of Jesus! Please pray with me that the Lord would send laborers into this greatly needy harvest field.
The World Mission Sunday liturgy from the Anglican Church of Kenya includes a beautiful section that incorporates prayers for the Deaf. The celebrant (the individual leading the service) asks, “Are there any who have not yet received the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation?” After listening to the congregation respond about the least-reached of the world, including the millions of Deaf who have never been invited to the Lord’s Table, he asks, “Who will go share the Good News that the Banquet is prepared for everyone?”
The people respond, “We will go, by our prayers, our offerings, our lives, we will go!”
Praise the Lord for the many organizations and individuals around the world who are willing to go so that the Deaf can know and worship our Savior! The task is great, but our God, who raises up the Deaf and the hearing to serve Him, is even greater.