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Beacon Community Center: A Hub for Outreach Among the Least-Reached in France

Beacon Community Center: A Hub for Outreach Among the Least-Reached in France

In France today, Muslims outnumber evangelical believers seven to one. France is home to 32 Muslim people groups, totaling over 5 million people. Many are first-generation immigrants. Very few have heard the gospel. Christar workers at Beacon Community Center are helping change that.

Language lessons, fitness classes, a multi-national children’s chorale, rummage sales–these are just a few of the creative ways workers are connecting with least-reached people. Established in 2003 by a Christar church-planting team, Beacon Community Center is a hub for outreach and discipleship. It also serves as the meeting place for a Christar church plant.

Reaching Out, Staying Connected

Each month, dozens of men, women and children take part in the community outreaches of Beacon Community Center. Some people participate in several activities every week. Workers have the opportunity to reach people who have few opportunities to hear the gospel—people like Sarra*.

While Sarra wanted to accept Christ, she was afraid of her husband’s violent outbursts. Her fear prevented her from taking a step of faith. Despite her hesitation, she spent a lot of time with believing women at Beacon Community Center. Workers prayed that she would be willing to trust in Jesus no matter what the cost.

God answered that prayer. One worker shares, “Sarra did indeed find the courage to yield her heart completely to Christ and is trying to be strong in spite of the harsh opposition from her family. Please continue to pray for God to completely engulf her with His transforming love!”

Activities at Beacon Community Center Include:

  • Beginners’ French classes
  • Literacy classes
  • Bible studies
  • Ladies’ teas
  • Cooking/craft times
  • English conversation practice
  • Sports games on the big screen
  • Women’s dance nights
  • Women’s fitness classes
  • “Care Fair” spa days for ladies
  • Children’s gospel/jazz chorale
  • Evangelical Scouts program
  • Rummage sales
  • Children’s carnivals
  • Picnics
  • Chess club
  • Holiday dinners
  • Distribution of Bibles and biblical literature and DVDs

Drawn By Love

Beacon Community Center serves as a unique neutral meeting place for people of many ethnicities, languages and cultures. Immigrants from a wide range of nationalities have found a place where they belong, and where they can experience the love of believers.

This love was what drew Houssem* to Christ. Formerly a devout Muslim, he is now vocal about his faith in Christ in his local North African community, and he’s seeking ways to become more involved in the outreaches of the Lighthouse of Friendship.

Houssem’s wife is still a practicing Muslim, but she’s attended Beacon Community Center’s ladies’ dance nights and other outreaches for several years. She’s found a loving community here and speaks often about the difference she feels when she’s around Christians who love one another. She has heard the gospel at several holiday outreaches and has even begun to bring her son to bimonthly meals at the church plant.

The creative outreaches of Beacon Community Center are playing a powerful role among the least-reached population in France. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us so that least-reached people like Houssem and his wife can hear the gospel and experience the love of believers?

Participate by Praying:

  • Praise God for giving workers many opportunities to connect with least-reached people through Beacon Community Center.
  • Pray for wisdom for workers as they develop outreaches that will meet community needs.
  • Ask God to draw people who are open to the gospel to Beacon Community Center.
  • Ask God to continue to build His church among the immigrant population in France.

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