Seeing God Work Through SD Cards
Over the past few years, Christar workers and local believers serving through the Persian Outreach Project have given away thousands of gospel SD cards. These cards allow Persian refugees, immigrants and tourists to access Christian resources, including the Bible, an audio New Testament and the JESUS film, in their language on their smartphones. Christar workers rarely learn how God uses these SD cards in the hearts of recipients. But, sometimes the Lord blesses them with opportunities to see how He’s at work through their efforts.
Several years ago, Christar worker Frank* met Rosana when he translated for her at a refugee center. She had a health issue that needed attention, and as Frank showed Rosana the way to a nearby hospital, he invited her to a local fellowship of Persian believers and offered her a gospel SD card. Although she was a devout Muslim and was quite skeptical about Christianity, she accepted his gift.
Three months passed, and Rosana didn’t show up at the church. But, God was working in her heart as she was exposed to His Word. Eventually she decided to go to the fellowship as she was curious to learn more and had appreciated the kindness Frank showed her without pressure about spiritual matters. She began attending regularly and eventually placed her faith in Christ.
Since then, Frank has had the joy of officiating Rosana’s wedding, witnessing a local believer baptize this couple and hearing Rosana’s testimony of amazement that the Holy Spirit dwells in her. And he and his team have enjoyed the added blessing of watching Rosana reach out to others. On her own initiative, she seeks out other Persians in the community and shares SD cards with them.
We praise God for bringing Persians like Rosana to faith in Him and giving them a desire to share Him with others! By His grace, many Persians will know and worship Jesus as those who trust in Christ reach out through SD cards. Each card that’s given out has the potential to change a life with the hope of the gospel.
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God that Persians are coming to Christ as they hear the gospel through SD cards!
- Ask God to lead Christar workers to Persians who are open to the good news.
- Ask God to continue to provide the funds needed to share the hope of Christ with Persians through SD cards.
- Ask God to use the outreach of Persian believers to draw many people to Him.