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Great Commission Resources

Tools to Help You Participate in God’s Global Purposes
Celebrate what God is doing through the Body of Christ as its members invest in the ministries of Christar and as we adapt to minister effectively.
In this booklet, learn what God's Word says about refugees and be equipped to share the hope of Christ.
As Afghan refugees continue to enter the U.S., followers of Christ have an incredible opportunity to minister to a least-reached people. Here's how.
This list is designed to provide practical tools and greater understanding, equipping you to serve among least-reached Afghan refugees.
This curriculum helps you engage refugee women about their unique needs using simple Bible stories that build bridges toward the gospel.
The Lord of the Harvest, God Himself, has told us how the story will end.
Approximately 90 percent of least-reached people live in honor/shame cultures, impacting the way many Christar workers present the gospel.
Through prayer, every believer can be involved in ministry to refugees!
God is bringing many least-reached people to our doorsteps! Here's how can you begin to share Christ’s love with refugees in your neighborhood.