Eagerly Awaiting the Impossible
New Life for the Least-Reached
Emine* needed a sign. She confided in Rachel, a Christar worker in the Middle East, that she hadn’t accepted Christ’s free gift of salvation because she was afraid the gospel wasn’t true. She was waiting for something that would confirm to her that the good news was indeed trustworthy. As Rachel prayed with Emine, she asked God to reveal Himself to her friend and grant her faith and eyes to see the truth.
Two weeks later, Emine approached Rachel. “I have to talk to you,” she said. “The Lord gave me a sign and I believe! That sign is you, His Church, His Word! I believe Jesus, and I want to be His child! I want to learn more and grow.”
Christar workers trust God for the impossible: that He would bring new and everlasting life to hearts and souls that till now have never even had the opportunity to hear of His love and forgiveness offered through Jesus Christ. As these workers share the gospel and demonstrate His love, they rely on Him to open the eyes of those with whom they share, believing that the one who raised Christ from the dead can reveal Himself and the truth of the gospel.
Our faith that the Lord will accomplish what is utterly unattainable from a human perspective is founded in His promises and reinforced by our experiences of seeing Him turn many from death to life. These examples of His faithfulness spur us on to hope for the impossible and eagerly await the moment when He will step in and change the story. We rejoice in these changed lives as examples of the many who are living out new life through the reality of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection this Easter.
- Leleh had never been to church before when she showed up at a fellowship of Middle Eastern believers in the United States. Two months later, she prayed with a Middle Eastern pastor—one who’d long been asking God for an opportunity to reach out to those from Laleh’s people group—to accept Christ. Since then, she’s not only attended the church faithfully, but has brought her father, mother, sister and daughter as well.
- God gave students serving short term in Spain through the Málaga Valley Initiative numerous opportunities to publicly perform a drama that communicated spiritual truth. And, through one of these performances, He opened the heart of one of the refugees watching. Afterward, she prayed with a local Christian leader to place her faith in Jesus.
- As children at two camp outreaches in the Middle East studied Paul’s journeys, God worked in the hearts of 30 young people, given them the grace to place their faith in His Son. In a land where fewer than one in a hundred people has access to a church that preaches the gospel in their language and culture, these children have returned home with the good news in their hearts.
- Workers in the United Kingdom faithfully prayed that the Word of God would take root in Li, who’d begun attending a Bible study in their home. God led him to attend a Christian retreat over Christmas break, and there the workers’ prayers were answered: Li stepped forward to accept Christ. Now, workers are discipling him in partnership with local believers from His homeland.
We trust God to do the impossible because He does the impossible! Join us in eagerly praying for and expecting Him to reveal Himself to the least-reached.
Participate by Praying:
- Praise God for doing the impossible: bringing least-reached people into His family.
- Pray for perseverance for workers as they faithfully share the gospel and wait for the Lord to reveal Himself.
- Ask God to continue to open the eyes of many as they hear the good news and experience the love of believers—whether followers of Christ from their own communities or workers who’ve gone to them so that they can know the joy found in Christ.