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Equipping Workers for Thriving,
Effective Cross-Cultural Life and Ministry

Training for new Christar workers isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. We come alongside every individual preparing for mid- or long-term service with the goal of equipping each one well for thriving in life and ministry on the field. In addition to required pre-field conferences, we consider each person’s experience and desired area of service, and we use assessments to help us create his or her personal development plan. This individualized training path takes into account both areas of needed growth and the skills and knowledge that individual will need in his or her unique ministry setting.

A personal development plan includes trainings held by Christar, learning opportunities offered by other organizations, required reading and, at times, apprenticeships. Below is an overview of the trainings we provide as well as those offered by other organizations that are frequently included in new workers’ personal development plans.

Christar Trainings

These training sessions are held near the Christar headquarters in Richardson, Texas and are required for all Christar workers.



Blaze is a four-day training event for anyone participating in a short-term trip that is three weeks or longer in duration. Blaze introduces participants to Christar, prepares them spiritually, emotionally and practically for their upcoming short-term ministry and challenges them to live pure and fruitful lives as healthy teammates.

New Personnel Orientation (NPO)

NPO is a weeklong event that prepares all mid- and long-term candidates for pre-field ministry and begins to equip them to live and serve among the least-reached. During this conference, Christar seeks to get to know participants, and they become acquainted with Christar through sessions and interaction with staff. After completion of this training, candidates are considered appointees.

Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO)

Once appointees reach a minimum of 60% support and are within six months of departure for the field, they are invited to attend PDO. This weeklong conference provides further training for cross-cultural ministry and life on the field. At the end of PDO, the Board of Trustees votes to approve appointees to become members of Christar.

Ongoing Development and Member Care

Training doesn’t end when a worker reaches the field. During their years of cross-cultural service, workers invest in learning the language and culture, and they continue to seek out opportunities for development that enable them to serve well.

In addition, our Member Care staff offer ongoing support for workers’ emotional and spiritual needs and provide debriefing opportunities for those on home assignment, including a restorative retreat called RENEW. Offered three times a year, this five-day event provides refreshment, support and care for workers while they are in the U.S. for home assignment. Workers periodically participate in RENEW throughout their years of service, giving the Member Care team at the Christar Mobilization Center U.S. a regular opportunity to connect personally with each one.

Frequently Recommended Trainings


Christar partners with the BibleMesh Institute to offer high-quality online theological education at an affordable rate to candidates, appointees and workers. Christar requires all appointees to complete the online BibleMesh pre-assessment, which determines if any additional training in Bible, doctrine or historical theology will be required. In collaboration with the Christar Pre-field Training Coordinator, BibleMesh then sends a custom program plan listing the courses needed to satisfy Christar’s Bible and theology training requirements. Candidates interested in serving with Christar may begin taking BibleMesh courses prior to attending our New Personnel Orientation.

Language Acquisition

Christar values effectiveness. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of learning the languages of the people groups among whom we minister. Christar appointees are required to attend one of five language acquisition training programs prior to departure for the field.

Partnership Development Training

Short-term workers and mid- and long-term appointees must have 100% of their needed financial and prayer support before leaving for the field. Short-term workers are required to read some articles and a manual on support-raising. Appointees are required to receive personalized coaching and training through Tailored Fundraising.

Security Training

Christar partners with Fort Sherman Academy, which provides workers with training in security and risk management appropriate to their fields of service.


Raising Healthy TCKs

For workers going to the field with their children, Christar often recommends the TCK Training Raising Healthy TCKs workshop.

Christar requires new long-term workers planning to minister among Muslims or Hindus to complete one of two intensive, interactive training programs. These trainings are also encouraged for mid- and short-term workers.

Manarah (for workers preparing to serve among Muslims)

Manarah is immersive training to prepare those who desire to share the gospel with Muslims from a variety of backgrounds. Participants spend two weeks in a Muslim-majority city in North America. During the day, students learn about Islam, its people and the culture it produces; and in the evenings and on weekends, they interact with local Muslims and practice methods of relational outreach often used by teams serving throughout the Muslim world. The program involves 40 hours of interactive instruction and 20 hours of outreach, and it’s tailored to help students respond to their God-given burdens to reach Muslims from diverse ethnic groups.

Pranām Collaborative Learning Services (for workers preparing to serve among Hindus)

Pranām Collaborative Learning Services provides modular, learner-centered programs designed to help participants from both Christian and Hindu communities learn with and from each other. These programs facilitate critical self-reflection, humble co-learning and mutual appreciation for Hindu culture in all its complexity and beauty and for Jesus's example and teachings in their original cultural context. Participants can complete each level in an eight-week online format or via a five-day on-site intensive experience. Email [email protected] or visit for more information.