Facebook Connections With the Spiritually Hungry
It all started with a click. When Sarah,* a Syrian refugee in France, spotted an ad on Facebook inviting her to watch a free movie about Jesus, she was intrigued. She tapped to indicate her interest in seeing a film about the life of Christ, and was connected with a believer with whom she began messaging.
This believer quickly connected Sarah with Harold, Nora and Julia, Christar workers in her area serving among the immigrant and refugee community through Beacon Community Center. They followed up with her, building a connection even though Sarah speaks little French and the three workers don’t know much of her language.
For Harold, Nora and Julia, Sarah was an answer to many months of prayer. They had begun the social media outreach amid the realities of the pandemic in 2020 in partnership with another organization; and numerous people had responded to the ads they ran, requesting a Bible or asking to see a Christian film. But, while they’d sent out a number of Bibles and knew that people in their community had watched the movie, they hadn’t been able to meet any of these people face to face.
But, they continued to ask God to connect them with people who were interested in the gospel and open to relationships with believers. In Spring 2021, when Sarah welcomed Nora and Julia into her home, they rejoiced in His answer.
As these workers quickly bonded with Sarah and her children, they talked about her experiences as a refugee and the reasons she had left Islam behind, using Google Translate to help bridge the language gap. She invited them, along with Harold, back to meet her husband, and the five new friends enjoyed a wonderful meal and conversation the following Sunday.
“We are excited to know that people around us are hungry and thirsty for God's Word,” Julia shares. “They really want to know Jesus!”
Sarah and her family aren’t the only ones. Since Sarah first responded, the Lord has given Nora and Julia opportunities to meet with two other women who are interested in the good news. “Both are very nervous about how their families will react and both have a lot of questions,” Julia explains. “Please pray for these two ladies, that they will be at peace and be able to seek God with their whole hearts.”
As these workers continue to partner to run Facebook ads with an eternal purpose, they ask God to sovereignly draw people He is preparing to hear the gospel and connect with followers of Christ. By His grace, many journeys to faith in Jesus will start with a click.
Participate by Praying
- Praise the Lord for giving refugees and immigrants like Sarah and her family a desire to know Jesus!
- Ask God to continue to lead people who are hungry and thirsty for God’s Word to Facebook ads that point them to the gospel.
- Pray that many who respond to these ads will be willing to meet with Christar workers in person.
- Ask the Lord to provide the funds needed to continue running Facebook ads.