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Great Commission Resources

Tools to Help You Participate in God’s Global Purposes
How do you know if the Lord is leading you to serve in full-time cross-cultural ministry? These six questions can help you discern His leading.
What should you do if your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse doesn't share your passion for missions?
Mental health challenges don’t define your worth in the Great Commission. But if you struggle in this area and want to serve overseas?
Food is a catalyst for connection. But what if eating the dishes over which relationships are built could make you sick or send you to the hospital?
God uses many forms of education—formal and informal—to equip His people to serve. There’s not one “right” path to follow.
What if you want to serve cross-culturally but your church doesn't share your heart for the nations?
Misconceptions sometimes paint extroverts as better suited for cross-cultural ministry. But introverts bring unique skills that are vital to missions.
If your parents object to you pursuing missions, don’t jump straight to the defensive. Try these tips for addressing common concerns with respect.
What if your parents don't support your plans for cross-cultural ministry? Start with a foundation of respect and gratitude.
More than half of college graduates come out with student loans. But debt doesn't have to deter them from serving among the least-reached!