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Every believer is called.

What are your roles in the Great Commission?

The Great Commission is too great to do alone. More than 40% of the world’s population is cut off from the good news of Jesus. That’s 3.4 billion people living without the hope of Christ: the least-reached.

No one organization, project or person can bring news of this hope to all of them. But together, the Church can. The Body of Christ was designed for this purpose, and we believe that every part has a role to play. But not every believer is called to be involved in the same ways. How is God calling you to participate in the Great Commission?

Hands PrayingPrayer Partners

Believers pray for cross-cultural workers and the least-reached specifically and consistently. Through their dedicated service, they participate in faith for the work of the Great Commission.

Financial Partnersseedling in hands

Followers of Christ invest their resources to expand the global reach of the gospel. Their financial giving helps cross-cultural workers respond to needs and nurture opportunities for Kingdom impact.

hands at laptopKingdom Consultants

Believers with professional skills and expertise volunteer remotely in ways that help cross-cultural teams overcome obstacles and serve more effectively in least-reached communities. Their collaboration from a distance fills gaps on the field and enables workers to serve in ways that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.


Sending Churcheslaying hands on a future cross-cultural worker

Churches encourage their members to be involved in God’s global work and commission some to serve as extensions of their ministry across the globe. They regularly support those they send, providing oversight and connection as well as prayer and financial backing.


hands holding family photoSupporting Families

Parents, grandparents and other loved ones sacrifice in-person connection for the sake of the gospel. They release family members who minister cross-culturally, encouraging them from afar. They also advocate for missions within their spheres of influence.

Cross-Cultural Workershand holding passport

Believers are sent by their churches to serve in least-reached communities, proclaiming the gospel, discipling those who believe and gathering them together into reproducing churches. Some are traditional full-time Christian workers, while others bring their professional skills and experience to the global marketplace, taking jobs and/or establishing businesses in communities with little or no gospel witness.



The Christar Mobilization Center U.S. serves the Body of Christ by providing guidance, resources and connection for those who partner, go, send and give. We’d love to talk with you about your role in the Great Commission! Contact us at [email protected].