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The Christar International Network offers the following diverse opportunities to serve. Support raising, language learning and appropriate visa is required for all positions. All positions require the candidate to possess the ability to perform in a team, plan and report, provide mutual care and form vital relationships for the long term. For more information, click the button below to get in touch with our mobilizers.
Do you have handyman or elementary/middle school teaching experience? Find a role in this team which would love to multiply!
Could you imagine yourself teaching English in a rural area of the Middle East? Help a Christar team expand their ministry!
Do you naturally share the good news and disciple people wherever you find yourself? Help a new team expand their church-planting efforts while...
Would you like to be part of a ministry among Persian refugees? Come help them by sharing your skills in English.
Have a heart for immigrant youth? Consider becoming a long-term worker among the Kurdish peoples in Canada!
Do you have a heart for church planting among immigrants? Consider becoming a long-term worker among the Kurdish peoples in Canada!
Do you have experience and a degree in TESL, as well as a heart for Middle Eastern women? Join an existing team in a metropolitan area.
Are you a church planter with leadership experience? Open a new field and lead a team to work among the Somalian population!
Would you like to help Muslim Background Believers grow? Join an existing team to help plant indigenous churches.
Do you have an interest and desire to serve in the Middle East? One of our current teams is open to people joining them in service!