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INNOVATE ~ Creating and Maintaining a Web Presence: Spain

Do you want to use your technical skills to help to shape the online face of the Christar International Network? Serve as a web designer and content creator.

Who? Any people group.

What? Create the look, layout and features of websites owned and operated by the Christar International Network, as well as assist with maintenance once a site is complete, helping Christar International communicate effectively.

When? Mid- or long-term.

Where? Spain.

Why? Christar International’s vision is to transform communities by implementing durable solutions through innovative means. The web designer's contribution would make a direct impact in the health and growth of the organization as a whole.

How? Christar International is an innovation organization that addresses global social challenges through collaboration, coworking and ideation. Its current projects include virtual education programs for refugees, food distribution for displaced peoples, leadership training in developing economies and job creation. 

Desired Skills and Qualities?

  • Writing and editing
  • Web design
  • Social media
  • Website maintenance
  • Computer programming
  • Information Technology

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